Lower Court Research

Appointment Conflict:

Hendershot, Marcus E. 2010. “From Consent to Advice and Consent: Cyclical Constraints within the District Court Appointment Process.” Political Research Quarterly, 63-2 (June): 328-42.

Interest Group Conflict:

Campbell, Donald and Marcus E. Hendershot. 2019. “Show Me the Money: An Empirical Analysis of Interest Group Opposition to Federal Courts of Appeals Nominees.” Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal, 28-1 (March): 71-122.

Preference Measurement:

Hendershot, Marcus E., and H. Christian Tecklenburg. 2011. “Controlling for District Court Judges’ Preferences.” Justice System Journal, 32-1 (June): 88-110.

Preference Trends:

Hendershot, Marcus E. 2012. “Budging the Bench: The ‘Nuclear Option’ and Preference Disparity at the U.S. District Court Level.” Law and Courts, 22-2 (Summer): 20-29.